Renowned Highlife musician Kojo Antwi, affectionately known as “Mr. Music Man,” is grieving the passing of his mother, Madam Mary Adwoa Nyamaa.
Madam Nyamaa passed away on November 13, 2024, at the Mpraeso General Hospital in the Eastern Region.
In a heartfelt statement, Kojo Antwi revealed that his iconic song, “Bre bre Anowaa,” was inspired by his late mother, underscoring the deep connection they shared.
Born Julius Kojo Antwi, the music legend is one of 13 siblings.
Over the years, he has built a legacy in the Highlife genre with an impressive 22 albums, with “Bre bre Anowaa” standing out as one of his most successful works in Ghana and across Africa.
The family issued the following statement to share their grief with fans and the public:
“It is with deep sadness that Mr. Music Man, The Maestro Kojo Antwi, and his siblings, along with their families, announce the passing of their beloved mother, Madam Mary Adwoa Nyamaa, on November 13, 2024, at Mpraeso General Hospital.
This loss is felt deeply by the family, and we share this announcement with the general public, the media, and the music, culture, and tourism communities, as well as friends and fans worldwide.”